One of my favorite things to do is to read books so I thought I’d share a couple of highlights from some of the books I have read.
Today I’d like to share about “Outwitting the devil by Napoleon Hill”
Napoleon Hill is the writer of “The Law of success” and “Think and grow rich”. So what is this book about? This book felt more personal than his previous work. He dives deeper into some interesting low points in his life and how he overcame these situations.
Before his interview with “the Devil”, Hill shares what he learned from his first encounter with Andrew Carnegie and listening to his “other self”. He follows this up by describing his system for acquiring wisdom and information from “Invisible Counselors” such as Plato, Socrates, Darwin and Napoleon Bonaparte.
Finally the remainder of the book deals with Hill interviewing this mystical being which demands to be addressed as “Your Majesty” and proceeds to drop some very interesting and practical wisdom. He breaks down the power of habits, the tools he uses to “control” people’s minds, the most dangerous habit to have, purpose, desires and universal laws.
The Highlights:
1. The worst of all human ailments is indecision.
2. Nothing contributes more to one’s success and happiness than carefully chosen associates.
3. Happiness comes only from rendering useful service to others. You shall receive this portion of your reward as fast as you earn it.
4. My experience has taught me that the next best thing to being truly great is to emulate the great, by feeling and action, as nearly as possible.
5. I know that all people become what they are because of their dominating thoughts and desires. I know that every deeply seated desire may be transmuted into its physical counterpart. I know that self-suggestion is a powerful factor in the building of character.
6. “One my (”the Devil’s”) cleverest devices for mind control is fear. The 6 most effective fears are: fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, fear of loss of love, fear of old age and the fear of death. All forms of fear extend the space I occupy in the human mind.”
7. Do your own thinking on all occasions. The fact that human beings are given complete control over nothing save the power to think their own thoughts is laden with significance.
8. Recognize that your greatest asset is time, the only thing except the power of thought which you own outright, and the one thing which can be shaped into whatever material things you want. Budget your time so none of it is wasted.
9. The 7 principles through which human beings may take complete control of their own minds are:
1. Definiteness of purpose
2. Self-discipline
3. Learning from adversity
4. Environmental influence
5. Time
6. Harmomy
7. Caution
This is a book to approach with an open mind and reading his previous work will definitely make the reader more understanding towards the concepts and ideas Hill proposes. The chosen narrative style might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I liked the approach.
Definitely recommend it. If you’d like to check it out, you can buy it right here